Although they will never completely go away, scars can be reduced in size or can be changed in appearance, so they are more consistent with your surrounding skin tone and texture.
Scars on the skin result from burns, injuries, or other traumas, such as surgery, and are a natural part of the healing process. Although they will never completely go away, scars can be reduced in size or can be changed in appearance, so they are more consistent with your surrounding skin tone and texture. Scars can be raised or recessed, or particularly noticeable due to their size, shape or location.
Your LSU Plastic Surgeon can advise you if an over-the-counter or prescription cream, ointment, or gel, can effectively treat your scar. Many scars resulting from cuts or incisions respond to such topical treatment. Products often contain steroids, or creams containing antihistamines can be used on scars that cause itching and are sensitive.
Deeper scars are more effectively removed surgically, for example, by excision, dermabrasion, or laser surgery. Some scars can impair function and surgery is used to address the functional problems. Another surgical technique, often used for people who have been burned, is a skin graft where skin is used from another area of your body.
Scars that are raised or stick out can be treated with steroid injections. Your LSU Plastic Surgeon can use injections alone or with other treatments. Collagen or other such "fillers” may be effective for certain pitted scarring, but are not usually a permanent remedy.
Since many scars fade and become less noticeable over time, it’s suggested you wait at least one year before making a decision about scar treatment.
Your insurance may cover treatment of scars that cause physical impairment. Your LSU Plastic Surgeon can document the details of your case, and possibly include photos, to support your case. If scar treatment is for cosmetic purposes, insurance won’t cover it since it’s not medically necessary.