
Easy, at home application for lusher, longer, and darker eyelashes.

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What is Latisse?

Latisse is a drug that is applied on the lash line, resulting in lusher, longer, and darker eyelashes; this can be done in your home. Interestingly, glaucoma patients used the eye-drop drug Lumigan several years ago, and enhanced lashes were an unexpected fringe benefit. Clinical trials were conducted on the drug for underdeveloped eyelashes; and now, with FDA backing, it’s available in your pharmacy as Latisse.

Daily use of Latisse can result in visibly longer eyelashes in one to two months. The most common side effects of Latisse are redness and itching, and less common is a darkening of the iris. Your LSU Plastic Surgeon will review the changes you can expect to see in your eyelashes.